Pimcore is the leading open-source platform for managing digital data and a fully integrated software stack for PIM/MDM, DAM, DXP/CMS, and Commerce. As a platform, Pimcore provides a solid foundation with generic functionality for all kinds of web applications and therefore allows rapid application development and building customer solutions really fast.

Crafting the front-end of applications in silos can adversely impact your business bottom line. Such apps are hard to scale, prone to inconsistent user experience, and more importantly, can impact app’s overall maintainability and value. When you have a fragmented front-end, it can further complicate the matter, especially when you desire to deliver a unified customer experience across mutiple customer touch points.

[Also Read: Benefits Of Implementing A Product Information Management Solution In Your Business]

To deliver an amazing user experience, there is a lot of confusion surrounding overly marketed terms such as “framework” and “libraries,” that are purposefully created for front-end design and development. React.js is one of the leading libraries for building front-end/UIs.


React.js is a well-known open-source JavaScript library popularly used for creating dynamic and engaging front ends/UIs for web apps. It provides you the complete freedom to select the tools, architecture, and libraries. It makes it easy to build interactive UIs with its Declarative Views and Component-based Architecture for diverse use cases.

The best part is that you can write new features easily without rewriting your existing code. That’s why, React.js is now one of the top choices amongst majority of the web developers and brands. Developed and maintained by Facebook, it is being adopted by many big brands across the globe.

  • Fully flexible: It provides you tremendous flexibility to build amazing UIs without disturbing the other part of the application.
  • Reusable code: No need to rewrite code for different devices. Create the code once and apply it to serve multiple devices and channels. Thus, you can significantly reduce your development time and project costs.
  • High performance: It enables you to create apps that can easily run under the heaviest load. That’s why companies like Netflix and Uber prefer React.js.
  • Future-proof: It is backed by the community of millions of developers. Thus, you can be sure about its stability, readability, and manageability.


Pimcore is the leading open-source platform for managing digital data and a fully integrated software stack for PIM/MDM, DAM, DXP/CMS, and Commerce. As a platform, Pimcore provides a solid foundation with generic functionality for all kinds of web applications and therefore allows rapid application development and building customer solutions really fast. Pimcore is built on a standardized, robust, modular, open, and service-oriented architecture – 100% API driven. This makes scaling and implementing Pimcore and new features cost you less money & time.

” The core concept of Pimcore PlatformTM is to provide rich and high-quality digital data for 3rd party applications and systems In that regard, open-source Pimcore is both a decoupled and a headless system and provides data via the Pimcore Datahub and GraphQL to 3rd party applications and internal APIs to Pimcore’s internal multichannel publishing functionalities. “

” In terms of a headless PIM, Pimcore is compatible with any application that can query and consume GraphQL based content. Let it be programming libraries such as React, Vue.js, and Angular or static site generators such as Next.js, Hugo, or GatsbyJS. Pimcore can deliver the right product content to the correct output channel in GraphQL within minutes. Pimcore is, of course, also compatible with the Jamstack philosophy. “

Connecting React.js and Pimcore

Pimcore is built on the PHP framework Symfony. If you want to implement a huge amount of logic on the frontend in order to create a rich web experience for your customers, it is really easy to combine React.js and Symfony in a single project successfully. Symfony framework now also offers a pure-JavaScript library called Symfony Webpack Encore. You can now easily manage JavaScript files in a Symfony-based application using its simplified process.

Using RestAPIs, Pimcore can be connected with any system seamlessly. For example, you can can create RestAPI with Pimcore datahub with enterprise subscription. To meet advanced needs, custom RestAPIs end points can also be built as per specific business needs.

What You Can Create with React.js and Pimcore

You can build secured and smarter solutions with React at the frontend and Pimcore, Symfony powered, at the back-end. You can develop a full-fledged system where you need to fetch rich and high-quality data ( product data, master data, customer data, digital assets, customer data, and more) using APIs and display seamlessly across multiple customer touchpoints. You can improve the visual appeal, look & feel, layout, accessibility, etc. to enable your product team, operational team, marketing & sales team, customer support service team, and also your distributors and suppliers to perform interactively and smartly in their day-to-day activities.

Digital Commerce Frontend

Build highly personalized, transactional front-end for your eCommerce applications using Pimcore as backend. The best part is you can reuse components for different levels of usability.

  • Build front-end for component-based commerce framework
  • Develop scalable front ends for B2C Commerce
  • Create visually appealing front ends for B2B commerce experiences

Digital Experience Platform (DXP/CMS) UI

Manage, deliver, and optimize personalized, contextualized digital experiences for every audience on every touchpoint.

  • Create a single page app (SPA) using the Pimcore framework as a backend
  • Build any web app of your choice using a headless CMS and React.js
  • Build full-fledged platform with React and RESTful microservice APIs for multi-channel content delivery

React can be used in any web application. It can be embedded in other applications and, with a little care, other applications can be embedded in React. So is the case with Pimcore. Both compliments each other pretty well. You can build amazing solutions that are intelligent enough to handle any digital data and highly intuitive in providing engaging and personalized customer experiences. Possibilities are endless. If you have something specific to add, we are happy to discuss it further.